Douglas Adams imagined a supercomputer called Deep Thought taking 7.5 million years to calculate: “The answer to life, the universe, and everything.” The answer which this supercomputer eventually provides is. "42." Unfortunately, no one has yet figured out what the question was.
As the Zapatistas say, "Preguntando caminamos." ["We walk asking questions."] Let us walk together.
'Asking' Is One Of Your 3 Powers
In order to Create, in order to Cause Transformation or Cause Adventure,
in order to Hold Space and Navigate Space,
in order to Go Nonlinear or Go Unreasonable,
in order to Negotiate Intimacy and make Transformational Proposals,
you need to have developed sensing and skills for applying your 3 Primary Powers:
Declaring, Choosing, and Asking.
Each new awareness and capability is a step towards taking back your Authority and activating Adulthood.
No one can do this for you.
More interestingly, no one can stop you from doing this.
From First Position (Centered, Grounded, Bubbled, Holding Space powered by Bright Principles, Tools at hand, Gremlin awake and ready at your side...) you have access to the power of Asking.
Asking is especially important to Navigating Space, because through conscious Asking you can Ask questions, the answers to which do not exist in the current Space.
What exists in the current Space is the known.
What exists outside of the current Space is the unknown.
Entering the unknown requires exiting the ordinary intellect with its Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.).
Asking a question, to which the answer does not exist in the current Space can also be called 'Going Orthogonal'.
'Orthogonal' is a term borrowed from mathematics which means 'going at right angles to...'
In the case of Navigating Space and creating Possibility by Going Orthogonal, we mean 'going at right angles to anything known or held dear in the current Space'.
Of course, making the Proposal to your Circle of answering an Orthogonal Question takes Balls, because Asking an Orthogonal Question can change an ordinary or linear Proposal into a Transformational Proposal opening a Doorway to an unpredictable future.
That is why gaining operational talents with Asking can involve going through a number of Emotional Healing Processes (EHP).
Asking does not have to involve speaking or writing. Asking can come from mere Presence.
Each person's Presence has an effect on the Space.
It is possible to move a Question out of the domain of your mind and into the domain of your Being.
Making this inner movement with your Question changes the shape of your Being.
Your Being contains your Question.
Then your Being's Question serves you like Jack Sparrow's Compass: rather than telling you where North is, it tells you where to go to find what you want.
When you sit with your Question in your Being, it is like having a brick in your belly. You 'sit like a brick'.
Your Question in your Being changes everything you perceive and everything you can express.
The Question in your Being ongoingly influences your Purpose. No longer are you thrown about by external or temporary purposes. Your Question empowers your Conscious Will with a permanent Aim.
Everything around you and within you is redesigned and re-purposed by your Being's Question.
Then the Question becomes your Quest.
If your Being's Question ever gets answered, it is a pity, because then you need to find your Next Question.
Good Questions are more precious than good answers.
Ask your Next Question, not by speaking it out, but by holding it in your Being, by being it. This adds so much excitement to your life that even ordinary things become ecstatic.
A skilled Mage gains the capacity to notice what Being Question a person holds.
The Being Question becomes obvious and visible to the Mage all along, even at a distance, even without speaking, as readable as an open book.
The Mage uses the person's Being Question as a Map of Evolutionary Next Steps so that the Mage can design and offer beneficial missions for that person to engage and experiences to encounter to add Nonmaterial Value to their Path.
Then, when the timing is right, when the person has Built enough Matrix and is ready to go to the next level, the Mage may answer the person's Being Question in a useful way even without the person ever Asking their Question.
This is one of the Services and Values a Mage adds to the Village.
An adult human being in a small NOW stands on the brink of
inestimable numbers of unasked questions,
any of which could bring down a regime
or give birth to new possibility.
Ask the next question.
- Clinton Callahan
Matrix Code ASKINGxx.01
Your Box will regularly freak out for the rest of your life when something new happens. It will never disappear, so it is valuable to learn to function beyond your Box's limitations so that your Box does not completely control your life.
This Experiment is to once a day for the next 31 days, ask for something your Box does not want you to have. Make sure you get it.
This may include experiencing something new and uncommon, or stopping having something that is totally familiar and which your Box says is required. Use asking to break out of your Box's rectangular guarded world.
Make a list of the 31 things at the back of your Beep! Book titled BOX ESCAPE ARTIST.Along the way you might Notice some patterns about what is allowed, what is not allowed, for example:
- How much time you spend doing certain things.
- How much fear content is allowed in the things you do.
- Who is allowed to see what you are doing.
- How much something costs or should cost.
- How long a mess, uncertainty, or chaos is allowed.
- How much neatness and elegance is allowed.
- What domains are allowed or forbidden.
- How much attention and recognition is allowed.
- How much intimacy in which of your 5 Bodies is allowed.
- Which race or religion of people are you allowed to be seen with or close to.
- What kind of conversations are allowed and not allowed.
Being able to give yourself something your Box does not want you to have, or to remove which you Box demands that you keep, makes it a true statement: You have a Box; you are not your Box. To do this will almost certainly involve going through Emotional Healing Processes (EHP). You might even consider entering an EHP Dojo for the next 3 months.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code ASKINGxx.01 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code ASKINGxx.02
These are the so-called 'Dangerous Questions' because the answers that may come could reinvent the existing gameworld into something unpredictable, even if the outcome may be extremely beneficial.
Let the intelligence of your Conscious Fear have the microphone for a while in your relationship or at work or in your project.
Let your Adult Conscious Fear speak.
- This does not mean let your Child Ego State Fear ask.
- This does not mean let your Parent Ego State Fear ask.
- This does not mean let your Gremlin Ego State Fear ask.
- This does not mean let your Demons Ego State Fear ask... or destroy the possibility of Asking.
Write into your Beep! Book what your Conscious Fear tells you when you ask for its wisdom directly. It can help to start a sentence with "I feel fear because..." or "My adult conscious fear says that...". after each sentence ask, "Anything else?" until your Conscious Fear has fully spoken.
Then afterwards, you (your Adult and Archetypal Ego States) distill the Dangerous Questions from your conscious fear. You decide what you will actually do with the Dangerous Questions.
The Fear does not decide. You do.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code ASKINGxx.02 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code ASKINGxx.03
What is the Purpose?
Please pause. Let us not continue.
Finding the Purpose is easy. Simply work backwards from the outcome. What did you end up creating, actually? What are the results? The results do not lie.
What you want is what you have.
Now you know what the Purpose was.
Purpose of words, silence, actions, inactions, gestures, comments, withholdings, timing, purchases, scarcity, proposals, inhibitions, etc. are either conscious or unconscious.
When a Purpose is unconscious, the related actions or inactions rarely serve Conscious Purposes. More often the unconscious actions serve Gremlin or Unconscious Purposes.
The idea is to find out what is really going on.
You need an accurate assessment of current reality to make useful actions.
For the next 6 days, ask open questions that make the Purpose of an action, conversation, invitation, move, offer, or lack thereof, clear to everyone involved. Make sure you practice asking to make Conscious Purposes and Unconscious Purposes clear alike.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code ASKINGxx.03 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code ASKINGxx.04
A sign that you are a Trainer is that you never stop asking the next question.
Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.) teaches that you can stop thinking as soon as you have found the one 'right' answer.
But, there is no 'one right answers' in an evolving Universe.
It is time to break out of the School Prison and keep generating new options by learning to ask the 'next question' even when it looks like you are standing on the top of the mountain, or faced with a solid wall.
Asking is self-invocation. Even if the answer might be scary, might be unimaginable to imagine, might offend people, you keep your Sword Of Clarity out, your Grounding Cord locked to the center of Gaia, your attention full on... you breathe, you ask, and you listen, with all 5 Body ears.
On the one hand, question-asking is an art-form - can you navigate what is possible by asking questions the answers to which do not exist in the current space?
On another hand, what are you doing with the information you get when your questions are answered? Do you document your path so others can make use of your good fortune? Possibility Management is that kind of treasure that grows by giving it away. How proficient are you at giving away valuable treasure? How could you improve that?
When you wrestle with a question it changes your shape. You become the question you wrestle with. The Universe responds to your new shape. But when a question gets answered, the answer kills the question. Then your quest suddenly changes into finding your next good question to wrestle with.
Questioning together for Quest enhancement. The Quest is to team up and ignite the transformational questioner in each other.
Please do this Experiment in a group of three in your Possibility Team. One person goes at a time and has a team of two to help distill the Next Question. The team asks the Quester - the person whose turn it is to find their next question - what is your Next Question? The Quester answers in all Five Bodies. The team supporting the Quester asks further questions, uses Vacuum Learning, gives Feedback & Coaching, until the Quester is at the edge of their Box and has the clarity of his Next Question. Even though as a Team you might identify clear gateways to an Emotional Healing Process, this process is not to take the Quester through one. That can be handled later.
Note: Self-invocation is a skill that can be trained. Then the Universe becomes the Trainer Trainer.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code ASKINGxx.04 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code ASKINGxx.05
You have a whole ecosystem made up of different parts, each of them with a different purpose, want, style of communication, and voice pitch.
This experiment comes in 3 different stages:
- For one full day, make it your purpose to ask questions. When you ask, notice which part of you you are asking from. Write in your Beep!Book what you noticed, which parts was asking for what and what was the purpose, what were the assumptions or considerations or commitments behind each asking.
- For the next day, before you ask something, notice as you are asking where it is coming from and say where it is coming from. This will help with experientially distinguishing the Ego States if you have a question and you are speaking from one of your parts. It is also useful for the process of Decontamination of your Adult Ego State.
- For the third day, ask only from your Archetypal Ego State.
To complete this experiment, as conscious theatre please show and tell another person, or in a stage with your Possibility Team, how asking from different Ego States works in you, and consciously become the different Ego States asking. Show the obvious asking characteristics and the more subtle ones too in the Ego States. You may record it in a video and publish it if you do not do it with a team.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code ASKINGxx.05 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code ASKINGxx.06
Most people say, "I was thinking about this...", or "can you...", or "could you...", or "would you like to..." when they want to make proposals or invitations.
They use indirect and imprecise communication, and assume that others around them operate under the same assumptions as them. The problem with assumptions is that they have no connection to reality. You can assume anything about anything.
For one whole week, figure out what you want from the communication from the people you are interacting with. Transform this indirect fuzzy way of asking into "Will you..."!!
"Will you go with me to the supermarket?", "Will you create a Possibility Listening space for 7minutes for me today, please?", "Will you spend 30 minutes today doing a transformative experiment from StartOver.xyz with me?", "Will you shift identity into a Money Mage and create the financial funds so you can attend the training in one month?"
Figure out what you want. To get a yes or no, to commit. Be clear and precise: how long for, when does it start and when does it end? Say what you want and ask for it with clarity.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code ASKINGxx.06 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code ASKINGxx.07
In school you would have been punished if you asked questions that the teacher could not answer. Or asked questions so that you would seem smart. But these were not your real questions.
There is a way that you have cut off your connection to your real questions.
For the next 2 weeks, whenever you are with someone, your goal is to ask the question that you really want to ask, about them, about yourself, about a journey, about a taboo, about a decision, about a feeling or emotion.
It could be an impossible question. It could also be a question about the space of relationship with that person.
To not ask these questions means you are being inauthentic. This Experiment is to ask authentic questions.
This is not about asking trick questions. It is not about being smart.
Ask about something other than what the person might expect you to ask.
This may mean not asking the first question that comes to your mind, but waiting, then asking your Second Question, or Third Question.
Asking real questions causes the presence of reality, which is the only place where Transformation can occur.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code ASKINGxx.07 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code ASKINGxx.08
For the next week, as often as you can, if somebody asks a question around you like "Where is San Francisco?" you ask a question about their question.
"How is it possible that a person like you does not know where San Francisco is?";
"What are you missing?"; "What is your real question?"; "What do you actually need?"; "Why are you asking HER that question really?"; "Are you flirting with her or something like that?"
For the next week, every time someone asks a question you ask meta questions. Write down in your Beep! Book what you notice about people's responses.
There is a saying that goes: 'don't answer a question with a question'. This stops people from asking meta-questions. Meta-questions are important because they take the conversation to the next level. Their purpose is not about using your gremlin to stop the conversation and stop intimacy. Their purpose if to bring the conversation sideways or up a level and create intimacy there.
Ask the Meta-question and stay in connection with the person or people in the space and stay in connection with the space.
Please write in your Beep! Book the report of the most adventurous or transformational conversation you had and use it as evidence for this experiment.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code ASKINGxx.08 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code ASKINGxx.09
Some spaces need to come to an end and some spaces do not. If you sharpen your spaceholding skills you can notice when a certain energetic space has been all used up and another space needs to be created, and when the current space is unfinished and coming to an end. You can sense it in the aliveness in the space. Is the energy going down? Is it coming to a stall? When this situation happens, there is a need for a next question that will keep the space rolling.
For the next 7 days scan the spaces you are in for when the space needs rolling or when the space needs to end. Write in your Beep! Book what you were the characteristics about the space that needs to come to an end and the ones that keep rolling. For each of the day, for at least 3 spaces you are in, ask the next question that rolls the space to the next level of interaction. Write again in your Beep!Book what questions worked and write also about the timing of the questions for rolling the space.
Hint: The questions are not smart questions. Smart questions make the space about your Box or your Gremlin or another Ego State that is smaller than the potential of the space. Ask questions that are needed for the space itself to roll, unfold, to expand in Possibility and Aliveness, and for more than your knowing. (Your knowing is much smaller than the potential of any space).
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code ASKINGxx.09 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code ASKINGxx.10
Become a Transformational Pirate and develop your ability to make and follow through with Unreasonable Requests. Make Unreasonable Requests for the other person's benefit.
One way to do this is to ask a person to commit to being or doing something that would make them uncomfortable in their box. Meet me a 6 am, because nobody can meet other times. Shift identity into someone that can swish through a 200 people waiting line so that you can catch the train, or flight on time. Use your voice to get people's attention so that you can ask them for a Possibility in a room full of people.
Another example of an unreasonable request is a Pirate Agreement, where you commit to another person's commitment. You become directly and intimately involved in the other person's evolutionary Path. As the Universe is consequential the Pirate Agreements have consequences if the agreement is not fulfilled. The consequences are not meant to be punishments. Punishments are a Low Drama tool. The consequences for the Pirate Agreements are other unreasonable and transformational requests that empower the other person in another nonlinear way or a Gaian Gameworld. The consequence must NOT empower you directly otherwise your Gremlin might be secretly waiting around and creating circumstances so that your team mate does not fulfil their evolutionary commitment.
Once a day for 5 days make three Unreasonable Request to someone close to you: a friend, colleague, your boss, your partner, your child, or your parent. Keep your Purpose Sniffer turned on so that the Shadow Principles of Manipulation, Control, or Revenge are not playing out and you create this space for their benefit. As you make the unreasonable request stay connected to the person and with their answer, whatever answer they give you. Try to get at least one Yes per day.
Record on your Beep! Book which proposals worked and which ones did not.
Please write as evidence of this Experiment one or two of the most Unreasonable Requests that were accepted.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code ASKINGxx.10 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code ASKINGxx.11
In order to do the impossible, you must be able to see the invisible.
In order to create what is not there yet you will first need to ask for it.
So much of your daily life is probably absent-mindedly restricted by what 'everyone knows is right or wrong'.
You could mind it.
For the next 4 days, choose a conversation that you are having with your partner, friend, or colleague. Scan for what is not yet being asked, for what is missing. Formulate three alternative possible questions and write them in your Beep! Book.
Then once a day for 7 days, grab one person from your Team, and set aside some time together. Use one of the questions as a skyhook to take you directly into a space that was not available yet before you asked.
Have amazing conversations.
You have completed this experiment after you have written and published an article about the power of asking for what is not being asked yet.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code ASKINGxx.11 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code ASKINGxx.12
Are you wiling, would you be willing, to give me a 100 euros? Would you be willing to give me 10 euros? 1 euro? Yes? Yes. I found your edge.
Find the edges of things.
"Are you willing to commit to..."
Use a specialised and customised question to go to the edge with another human being. Use Radical Relating to create this question, by being in the small here and small now, and small you. Then accompany them to the Edge and stay there with them, noticing what is, and what happens by staying there, on the edge, where the air is rarified and the Possibilities are unlimited.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code ASKINGxx.12 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code ASKINGxx.13
These are questions that create, evolve, or unfold Gaian Gameworlds.
For the next week, you are on a hunting mission to find out questions that have built Gaian Gameworlds or would build Gaian Gameworlds.
What else is possible?
How can you live in Radical Responsibility and still use a computer?
What is the shift necessary from Modern Culture to Regenerative Culture?
How can we live without Low Drama?
How can we live sustainably on this planet?
How can schooling unleash individual unique potentials that are necessary for the thriving of all life on planet Earth?
These are big questions that do not have an answer. To go through the journey of answering these questions a Gaian Gameworld would need to be built.
- For one whole week, on each day choose a Gaian Gameworld that you are currently playing in or know about. Invite someone from that gameworld to have a conversation with. Tell them that you would like to have a Gameworld Building conversation, and that the purpose is that after the conversation a new part of the Gameworld is created or unfolded.
- Ask the questions and invite questions from your conversational partner that would start building out a new path in their Gaian Gameworld or in your Gaian Gameworld. Be specific in your asking so that it is clear what new path or experiments are emerging from the conversation, and what new actions are going to be taken.
- Check with your partner a couple of weeks later about what happened with the new actions and how their Gameworld has evolved.
- Please record the new actions and new parts of the Gameworlds in a new page of your Beep! Book called Evolutionary Gameworld Consulting. You may have found your calling.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code ASKINGxx.13 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code ASKINGxx.14
Often you ask questions for a reason:
To know. To prove you are right. To test the other person. To be a nuisance. To be helpful. To show off. To not be silent. To be polite. To be social. To think out loud. The list of reasons why you would ask a question - or do anything - is endless. What comes first: the question, or the reason?
Experiments have shown us that Purpose comes before Reason. The reason is not the cause. The reason is just your Box trying to look sane. Reasonable. Unthreatening. And stay safe, unchanged. Furthermore, for the apparent reasonability of your questions to work, it has to match other people's reasonability, meaning your Box's reasons need to align with other people's Box's so that your Box looks sane.
Questions can threaten the status quo. Your own and other people's. If you limit your questions with your Box's reasonability then what you get is just more of what you know, more of the same, and try to unconsciously pass on the responsibility of your actions to your reasoning. If you want new results, asking without reason becomes a new unsettling path.
This experiment starts with making a list of 200 questions that you would ask if you did not had to justify asking it or even coming up with them. Be specific and write down to whom you would ask the questions. Carry your Beep! Book with you and take 5 minutes in whatever setting you are in, like the waiting cue for paying the groceries, or the 5 minutes before the start of an online call, or while you are waiting for the water to boil, or even using the bathroom. During those 5 minutes write down as many questions as you can. Different settings might create different questions. During this time start noticing how questions start appearing to you.
After you have written down 200 questions, take a whole day and move faster than your reasoning. Ask questions from that same place that you found when writing the list of 200 questions. Start the asking before you know what you are going to ask about. Stay Centered and Grounded during this process, and stay with your Conscious Fear turned on and alive. If anyone asks why you are asking any question you can say "no reason". Refrain from giving any justification or making the space safer or more settled for the other person's Box or your Box. Stay connected with them and listen to the answer, and ask the next question.
After the experiment day of asking for no reason please ask someone in your Possibility Team or another Possibilitator to create a Possibility Listening space for you for 8 minutes while you report on your experience. As an alternative you can write down your experience in your Beep! Book. What parts of you came alive? How did you experience your Box trying to find reasons anyway? How fast the reason came up? Was it before or after the question? Did any out of the ordinary questions emerged during this period? What did the questions create in the space or interaction and relating with the other people? What did it create for you?
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code ASKINGxx.14 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code ASKINGxx.15
In relationships there are Incomplete Communications, taboos, Unconscious Fears, Resentments, Assumptions and Expectations, all floating around leaving an unidentified stink in the space of possible Love.
In organisations, agreements have been broken, promises have been made and not kept, actions are taking place powered by secret agendas, power struggles, unconscious fears, and hidden competing commitments.
All these will remain until brought to common scrutiny under the light of shared awareness and responsibility. Problems are often doorways to new choices and a different future, but if they are not brought to the light of day and placed on the operating table for its transmutation, they continue along their current path unabated.
This Experiment is to use Asking as a bridge to put the Poop On The Table.
Scan through your relationships, your personal and your work relationships and identify the stink of the poop. This can bring a level of specificity to your questions. Even if you do not identify the stink, please still ask the questions.
For the next 7 days, you choose 7 spaces of relating or collaboration where you ask the questions that initiate the process of putting the Poop On The Table. Present the questions not in a way that it asks if there is any poop to be put on the table, but what is the poop.
Examples of questions can be "Before we start the meeting, I ask each one of the members of this team what are the resentments that you hold about a colleague, or the team as a whole, or the way of collaboration? What expectations have not been met for you?", or "What are the fears or concerns that you hold in this project?"
If the space of Poop On The Table turn you on, you might want to consider developing your skills and offer your services as a Possibility Mediator.
Please write down as evidence of this experiment the report of the most transformational or legendary Poop On The Table meeting.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code ASKINGxx.15 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code ASKINGxx.16
This experiment works best in a Team. Your Team can see and scan things about you and your Path that your survival strategies do not allow you to see or scan.
In a group of 3, you as the Quester, go first. Please have your Beep! Book at the ready. Your Team of two is there to hold their sharp Sword of Clarity at your throat, keep the Gremlin as a collaborative initiated Force of Nonlinearity at their sides, their scan to your archetypal body, and speak.
You start by asking the Questions clearly and firmly into the space: "What am I not seeing in my Quest? What am I missing in my Quest? " What is my Next Step on my Quest?". The two team members start speaking from the unknown, at the same time, and from their Archetypal Bodies, for 7 minutes. The speakers can also speak using questions. If the speakers ask questions, the Quester writes the question but does not answer. The Quester writes down everything. After the 7 minutes are over, the team works together to distill the Next Step on the Quest of the Quester. Then switch roles for another Quester's turn.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code ASKINGxx.16 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code ASKINGxx.17
Your Dragon is not only furious. It is wise beyond understanding. Its wisdom also comes from its Conscious Fear, Conscious Sadness, and Conscious Joy. But your Dragon has a voice and an urgency that is unmistakable.
It is time to cut your Dragon loose and let it Ask the next questions fiercely.
Take your Beep! Book and write down what your Dragon asks.
Do not stop until the answers arrive.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code ASKINGxx.17 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code ASKINGxx.18
Extraordinary things do not necessarily occur unless there is irrefutable necessity for them to arise and proceed.
Asking is a Power useful to pave the road to Extraordinary Territories. If there is not enough necessity, then blind, ordinary, and distracting things will dominate.
By consistently Asking for what the Space wants, for what is wanted and needed by your Archetypal Lineage, for what is required to cause Transformation, then external forces are called into play to 'cause the stars of good fortune' to align in your transformational path's favour.
But if there is no authentic necessity, things tend to proceed in their current path undisturbed. When you can create authentic necessity, then you can create your own transformational food and there is nowhere you cannot go.
Ask the questions that create authentic necessity in 3 spaces you collaborate in. Write down in your Beep! Book what kind of Extraordinary Territories were created, and explored with the questions you asked.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code ASKINGxx.18 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
A new Question creates a new Universe.
The clear nonlinear committed question
has more power to change circumstances
than does any answer.
- Clinton Callahan
- NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code ASKINGxx.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!